Tuesday, November 11, 2008

If it's not a threesome, being in the middle sucks!

Lately Mom and sis have had some serious beef. I am tired of having mom gripe at me about sis and sis gripe at me about mom. It makes it especially hard when I agree with one's opinion more than the other. I realize that they both need to vent, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain non partisan. I wish mom could ease up a little, but at the same time I wish sis would grow up alot. I love them both and try to be supportive I just wish they would shut the bleep up sometimes. My life is difficult enough without the two of them always having drama. Don't get me wrong I LOVE drama, but over the weekend I was cornered by my sis' soon-too-be ex-mother in law where she proceeded to attempt to have me talk sis into something I don't agree with. Perhaps, this may serve as a wake up call to sis that if she doesn't shape up there could be more serious consequences than what we thought. I am a licsensed foster parent and am afraid, sometimes, that some of what I see and hear about I may be obligated to disclose. But these people are my family and I don't feel right about it. I really just want to be left out of this mess. I realize that, for some reason, people feel the need to unload their crap onto me; I guess I am a good listener or some such nonsense. But, honestly, I feel like there is rarely anyone who cares to listen to me and my problems, heartaches, fears, etc. Anyway, I have vented and am done. Fin.


Monday, November 3, 2008

What's Going on? (Marvin Gaye style!)

So this morning I decided to suck up to the social worker and took her a pastry from work. Lame, but efficient in terms of my overall plan to make her adore me. So far, so good. She informed me that I am allowed to tell people that I am bound by confidentiality so I can tell all the nosey people to bugger off. Which is awesome! The kiddos are doing well. Work was crazy. There is a bunch of drama about a guy that is sexually harrassing some of the partners as well as the customers. I don't want to be the one to get this guy fired, but something needs to happen because he is a walking lawsuit. Apparently there are even customers that won't come in when he is working because he makes them uncomfortable. Not surprising. I don't mind because it takes alot to offend me. I am just laid back that way. But other people....not so much. I feel bad for the guy. Divorced with kids and a low paying little hours job. I don't want to make excuses for his inappropriate behavior, but he is desperate for some lovin'. I don't know. But because of all this people are talking and the tension is building. Well, my Taco Bell is almost here so I am outta here. Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Don't you ever just get frustrated with the world? Not one person or thing in particular, but everything! I am sick and just want to sleep, but my hubby and the kids are loud and obnoxious today. It irritates me because when they were sick a week ago I let them rest quietly. But the favor has not been returned. I am sooo sick and just want to pass the bleep out. How is everyone else out there? Holla at me.
